It’s Your Data – Secure and Protect It


Data security is defined as “protective digital privacy measures that are applied to prevent unauthorized access to computers, databases and websites”.

ERSGA invests an enormous amount of resources to protect your data.  Firewalls, encryption, data masking, special software, and a myriad of other software, hardware and protocols are employed to guard against any attempted external or internal breach. 

Once in the system, user authentication prevents access to the data.   

User authentication is allowing a user access to a system or data through a prescribed methodology.  Authentication asks a user to provide a password, a code, biometric data, and/or some other identifier for user verification before access to a system or data is granted. 

For authentication to be effective, You, the user should abide by the following basic rules of the road for data security:

  • Protect your password – don’t share it, show it or make it available for others.
  • Change your password – change your password often, and don’t make it predictable.
  • Disable passwords promptly when someone leaves the organization.
  • Lock the computer screen when walking away.

While there is no perfect solution, if everyone follows these few basic rules, our data will be much harder to compromise and we will all be safer.