Unsolicited Emails
October 5, 2022


You may have seen an increase in the number of unsolicited communications offering to help you understand your benefits. From retirement plans to life insurance, these businesses claim to show you how these benefits fit into your retirement planning.

As a current or former Georgia state employee, retiree, or beneficiary you will periodically receive information from: 

  • ERSGA 
  • GaBreeze
  • Peach State Reserves (including Alight Solutions and Alight Financial Services) 

Be Cautious!
Please be wary of financial planners who present themselves as experts about your Georgia state retirement plan and benefits. In many cases, their goal is to sell you an investment product. 
PSR Eligible Members: Compare Fees
If you are considering an outside investment product or advice, be sure to compare the fees for that product with those offered through Peach State Reserves (PSR). In most cases, the PSR fees will be lower, because they have been negotiated especially for PSR members.

PSR Fee Schedule

Retirement Plan Questions?
If you have questions about your state retirement plan or your PSR 401(k) or 457, contact a plan specialist:

GaBreeze Website (for PSR and Flexible Benefits)

ERSGA Website (for Pension Plan Information)