


Retirement Living

A comfortable retirement means ensuring that your financial situation meets the needs of your daily life. 


SHBP Educational Series
Medicare Advantage University

Join SHBP at one of the Medicare Advantage University education sessions.

Your health is important, and SHBP wants to help you get the most out of your health plan this year.

The State Health Benefit Plan invites you for a fun way to learn more about managing your health. You will listen to a short recorded presentation and then participate in a Question & Answer session with health plan representatives.

United Healthcare Session Information

Anthem BCBS Session Information


Protect Yourself from Fraud
Retirees and Retirement Eligible

ERSGA and Peach State Reserves (PSR) take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We employ numerous security protocols to keep your personal information safe.

However, if you have been the victim of identity theft, or if you believe your ERSGA or PSR account has been compromised, please immediately contact:

ERSGA 404.350.6300
GaBreeze for PSR 1.877.342.7339


Supplemental Guaranteed Lifetime Income (SGLI)

ERS Retirees can Convert Peach State Reserves funds to Guaranteed Monthly Income

Supplemental Guaranteed Lifetime Income (SGLI)

ERS retirees can now use funds in Peach State Reserves to purchase a supplemental annuity from ERS. The SGLI is a program that can be used to provide additional financial security during retirement through lifetime monthly benefit payments.

For more information, please visit the SGLI main page.


1099 Frequently Asked Questions
January, 2024

1. When will my 1099 be mailed for the year 2023?

1099s will be mailed by Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

2. Can I see my 1099s online?

Yes!  If you received pension payments, a lump sum refund, or are a beneficiary who was paid a death benefit during calendar year 2023, your 1099 is available online.  Use the Log In button at the top of this page to access your self-service account.

3. Are health and dental deductions included on my 1099?

Yes, the total for the calendar year is located in Box 5.